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How to Get Rid of Hollowing Dark Souls 3



Any game can deliver a few cheap scares. It takes a special one to terrify you. Dark Souls is such a game. It's a thoughtful, atmospheric, and mysterious role-playing adventure that challenges your mind and your mettle. It takes the concepts of deadly environments and unflinching difficulty introduced by 2009's infamously tough Demon's Souls and cranks up the challenge, the fear, the frustration, and the eventual triumph. Dark Souls' enormous world is vast and dangerous, filled with terrifying fire demons and homicidal lizardmen, all with a single goal: to annihilate you. And so you die, over and over again, as you make your way through this strikingly fearsome land. But in Dark Souls, death and resurrection is a core mechanic, not a roadblock, and because the combat is so precise, you ultimately feel in control of your destiny. Dark Souls plays by its own rules, and in doing so, provides an unforgettable adventure that seeps into your being and invades your thoughts. It's a landmark game, destined to be loved and talked about by anyone who has the pleasure of unraveling its mysteries.


Quicklinks Menu

Trophy Roadmap
Introduction and Concepts
Starting the Game
Bonfires, Fire Keepers and Estus
Covenants and Absolution
Bosses and Story Progression Trophies - Part 1
Bosses and Story Progression Trophies - Part 2
Covenant Trophies - Part 1
Covenant Trophies - Part 2
Covenant Trophies - Part 3
Rare Weapons Trophy - Part 1
Rare Weapons Trophy - Part 2 (Boss Souls Weapons)
Miracles Trophy
Sorceries Trophy
Pyromancies Trophy
Weapon Reinforcement Trophies - Part 1
Weapon Reinforcement Trophies - Part 2
Embers Locations
Titanite Stones Locations
Bosses Strategies - Part 1
Bosses Strategies - Part 2


Guide author's notes:

Hey guys, this is my first guide in english so I'm pretty sure it will have many grammar errors and such so please help me identify them and I'll be reviewing the guide to make it the best possible.

This is a text heavy guide but I have provided some quicklinks below and in some trophies descriptions to locate the desired page more easily.

All the information on the guide is a mix of personal experience, data from wikis, forums and the official guide. I will try to explore different paths and strategies for each objective but keep in mind that I will always prioritize my personal experience since I can vouch for that.
Whenever I use something from another source I will give credits for it.

Big thanks to Blood_Runs_Cold for compiling most of the information on the Rare Weapons and Magic lists.

While I'll give a gameplay tip here and there this guide is not meant to cover everything and all the mechanics of the game at all, rather I'll focus on the trophy aspects and requirements for the platinum only. You can learn a great deal of information by searching on the available wikis, Dark Souls | Wikispaces and Dark Souls | Wikidot.

And lastly please do not message me in PSN regarding questions about the guide or the game. All of it will be answered either by me or the community in this thread/sub-forum only.

Trophy Roadmap

Step One: Your First Playthrough and What to Look For
First of all, if you want you can get some basic tips on the gameplay and game concepts by checking out the "Introduction and Concepts" section here.

The first time you play the game you should just not stress out a lot about the trophies, but it certainly doesn't hurt starting to hunt for them, especially since in New Game+ everything gets a lot harder and many trophy requirements and farming are best done without having most enemies 1-hit killing you.

You can get all bosses, covenants, rings, pyromancies and sorceries trophies within your very first playthrough if you start hunting for those early on, with the miracles trophy coming in the very beginning of New Game+. However, getting all rare weapons will require you to play the game two full times plus defeating one specific boss in your third playthrough since you'll need their souls two and three times to create certain unique weapons.

For the weapon reinforcements trophies you'll eventually need a Slab of a certain color to level up a certain reinforcement to the maximum level, however there is only one Slab of each color per playthrough guaranteed and there is more than one weapon requiring the same Slab, but with some luck you can get more than one of some colors in the first time through the game. You can get multiple Slabs along the playthroughs or you can upgrade your weapon, get your trophy and quit the game before it saves, keeping the Slab and the trophy but losing the upgrade. Check the corresponding section of the guide for more information on the matter.

All these above can be done with time and exploration but there are certain miracles and pyromancies that require you ranking up within a covenant to obtain them. Be wary that some covenants can not be joined/ranked up if you kill certain characters and some can be broken easily if you are not careful. Check the covenants section for more information on this.

Step Two: New Game+ and Skipping Areas
If you did everything possible in the first playthrough you should have a smooth way to the platinum now.... NOT!

In New Game+ enemies get more health and are a lot stronger, get more agressive and old strategies stop working (like kicking the shield of the Hollow Soldier). Basically the game gets twice as hard so brace yourself and think twice before defeating the game's last boss if you still need anything done. It's worth noting, though, that you can skip some areas and bosses entirely since they are not required to complete the game or forge a rare weapon - having the master key will help. For instance you can skip completely the Depths, Blightown and some other areas.

Step Three: New Game++ and Platinum
In your last playthrough the only thing you should be missing will be one rare weapon acquired with Sif's Soul and maybe one reinforcement upgrade with the Titanie Slab. However, you'll still need to reach Anor Londo in order to actually use the soul and create the final weapon and unlock your final trophy.

Introduction and Concepts

Your road to platinum will be long but also a very satisfying one. To achieve all trophies you'll need to mind the four different types we've got this time: beating all bosses and completing the story; getting all rare weapons and different magic types; joining all the covenants and getting a weapon upgraded to the maximum with each reinforcement.

You can get most of them in your first playthrough if you follow the guide however the rare weapons and miracles trophies will make you push your way through a second and third playthrough of the game. Also take a look at some weapon reinforcements requirements because some will need a item available only one time per playthrough, although there's a little trick to bypass that.

During your whole gameplay time you can choose to play it either online or offline and achieve all trophies along the way, but some requirements will differ for covenants ranking up. Check that section for more info. In my personal opinion I highly recommend playing the whole game completely online and enjoying all the different aspects of the game you can.

Starting the Game:
Before starting the game you'll have to create your character and define the starting class, gift and physique. Your chosen physique and gender does not alter gameplay so feel free to play with it and customize it as you see fit.


The initial gift you choose does not play a big part in the game, especially since most of them are easily obtainable by exploring a bit. There is however one gift that is not obtainable by any other means except by choosing the Thief class which comes with it: the Master Key. So it's generally recommendable to choose that, be wary though that most doors you open using it will lead to difficult areas for new players.


In this game the starting class doesn't matter much after the first couple of levels you go up, since you will actually be building your class throughout the game with your stats and weapons choices, so feel free to chose the one which you think will give you equipment suitable for your play style in the first areas of the game. If you are positive what you want to be already without knowing what weapons and enemies you'll face then make sure to choose one that will give you a decent head-start in the stats you'll use the most.

While you're free to change your mind about this in the early game you'll soon suffer the consequences of stats all over the board if you don't focus on a specific path, since enemies scale up in level with you and a jack of all trades is a master of none. As soon as you made your mind about which type of character you want to have, stick to it and don't waste points on opposite stats.


If you want to play with heavy weapons with very high power focus on Strength.
If you want to play with light weapons with less power but faster hitting then focus on Dexterity.
If you want to use sorceries which are mostly attack based magic or use certain magic-reinforced weapons then focus on Intelligence.
If you want to use miracles which are a mix of support and attack magic or use certain miracle-reinforced weapons then focus on Faith.

However, for every class there are two stats that are a must and are never a waste to upgrade: Vitality and Endurance.

Vitality increases your overall health and it never hurts to have more, however you get diminishing results after leveling it up past 50 or so. Endurance is probably the most important stat of the game since it increases your stamina and your equip load, however you stop gaining stamina from it after you level it past 40, but gettting it to at least 40 should be a priority.

Either way equip load plays a very important role in the game, affecting how fast you move, run and your ability (or not) to roll. You get different results depending on the % of your total equip load you are using.

Equip Load <25% = Quick Roll
Equip Load ≥25% and <50% = Normal Roll


Equip Load ≥50% and <75% = Slow Roll
Equip Load ≥75% and <100% = Very Slow Roll
Equip Load ≥100% = Unable to Roll

In general it is recommended that you upgrade your main 'attack' stat (STR/DEX/INT/FAI) to the amount required to wield your weapon of choice and then focus primarly in Vitality and Endurance, since this time around stat scaling weapons are more rare than in Demon's Souls, and end up doing more or less the same damage as lightning or fire reinforced weapons.

It is also very important to choose a secondary magic 'attack' stat to use as backup in certain situations in case you are a melee-based player (or melee stat in case you are a magic-based player).

Attunement is a stat only recommended to upgrade past 2 slots if you are a magic-based player and Resistance is probably the most useless stat of the game, since you can get all of its effects through armors.

Humanity is a core concept of the game that was absent in Demon's Souls. It has many uses, from doing the reverse hollowing process and kindling bonfires to helping you get a better loot drop rate and increasing certain weapons powers. It also has affects on the online portion of the game and if you're playing in human form you can expect to be invaded a couple of times by invaders looking to grab your humanity, but you'll also be able to summon the very helpful aid of random players or NPCs to help you in areas you've not beaten the boss yet.

There are two types of humanities: 'banked' ones and consumable ones. A 'banked' humanity means that it shows up in the counter on the top left of your screen and that it is effectively active. You'll use these for everything but whenever you die you'll leave all you had in your bloodstain together with your souls, so if you die again you lose these for good. Consumable ones, on the other hand, act like any other item and stay in your inventory no matter what and whenever you consume one of them they'll be banked in the counter, therefore it is always a good idea to save these kind of humanities for when you actually need them.

Unlike in the spiritual predecessor game where your 'dead' form was called "Soul Form" and had your health gimped, this time around when you die you go to "Hollow Form" and you lose nothing except for some curse resistance, ability to kindle bonfires and to invade other player's worlds/summon help. This encourages you to save up on humanity for other purposes than being in human form.

There are also two covenants that require humanities sacrifices to rank up, so check the covenants section for more information.

Bonfires, Fire Keepers and Estus
Bonfires is a new feature in the game that essentially serves as checkpoints and a hub for many things, including leveling up, repairing equipment and warping to other specific ones when you get a certain item. Whenever you choose to rest at a bonfire you'll recover all your health, estus flasks and also cure status ailments (except for curse), however it will also instantly replace all of the re-spawnable enemies of the game you have killed, so use them wisely.

Estus Flasks and Kindling:

Estus Flasks are the main healing item of the game and you'll get access to them in the very beginning, however they come in a limited number and the only way to replenish them is to rest at a bonfire. You start with 5 flasks but soon you reach Firelink Shrine where you find your first 'kindled' bonfire flame, which will allow you to carry/replenish 10 flasks. While this flame is kindled from the start, most of the other ones in the world are not and in order to make them replenish 10 flasks instead of 5 you'll need to manually kindle them.

Kindling can be done at any time in any bonfire if you are in human form and have at least 1 humanity to sacrifice. So if you reach a bonfire in hollow form and want it to give you 10 flasks you'll need to first reverse the hollowing and then kindle the flame, using up 2 humanities in the process.

Further Kindling:

Initially you can kindle each bonfire only one time each to get a maximum of 10 flasks, however after you beat a certain boss you get the ability to kindle each flame two more times for a total of 20 Estus Flasks in each bonfire. For more information on this boss check the "Rite of Kindling" trophy description.

Fire Keepers and Reinforced Flasks:

Throughout the game you'll meet three different "Fire Keepers" and some "Fire Keeper Souls" items. These specific items can either be consumed for a small amount of humanities (five) or, more importantly, to reinforce your Estus Flasks by giving it to one of the three Fire Keepers. Each time you reinforce your flasks they will get a permanent boost and from that moment on every flask you use will recover more health than it did before, even throughout New Game+. You can upgrade your flasks for a total of 7 times.

Be wary that if you kill or let any of the fire keepers die the bonfire right beside them will no longer be usable until New Game+.

Below are the locations of the Fire Keeper Souls, copied from here:

  • One is located in Undead Parish. It is on an altar in the Undead Church (2nd section of Undead Parish), guarded by a big black knight with a mace.
  • One is located in New Londo Ruins. It can be seen on the right hand when crossing the narrow wooden walkway. Three ghosts will spawn when getting near.
  • One is located in Blighttown. In a wastewater pit, about halfway down from the Valley of Drakes entrance, guarded by fire-dogs and poisonous dart shooters.
  • One is located in the Dukes' Archives. At the bottom of the prison tower, behind the octopus-headed monsters. Need a key that is acquired later in the level, lableled "Archive Tower Giant Cell Key". (Need to verify key name).
  • One is obtained after killing Quelaag's Sister. Please note that you won't be able to join the Chaos Servant covenant or use the bonfire in front of her anymore (with the exclusion of being able to warp to, but not from, that location).
  • One is obtained after killing the Fire Keeper in Anor Londo that wears the Bronze Armor set. If you decide to kill her for her soul, her bonfire will no longer be lit but you may still warp there using the Lordvessel.

Covenants and Absolution:
Covenants are also a new feature in the game that act pretty much like guilds or factions. Throughout the game there is a total of 9 covenants you can join and you'll need to join them all to get their respective trophies. In some Covenants you can rank up inside it in order to get special miracles and weapons that you wouldn't get anywhere else. To do this you'll have to face different requirements depending on which one you are currently in.

You can only be in one Covenant at a time and if you decide to join another you will instantly break your pact with the previous one you were in and lose your ranking progress within it. Check the covenants section for more information on which ones you need to rank up for trophy progress.


Whenever you break a Covenants pledge, hit/kill a friendly NPC or invade someone else's world to kill them your name will be added to the infamous "Book of the Guilty". NPCs you have hit will attack you on sight and some covenants you broke may not allow you to re-join them. To solve this you can either wait until New Game+ when all sins are automatically absolved or you can manually request absolution with one of the NPCs in the game, Oswald of Carim.

Oswald is the NPC with his arms open that resides at the top of the Undead Parish Church, right after the place where you fight the Gargoyles. Through him you can request absolution to all of your sins at once, however it is very costly: to get absolution you'll have to pay 2000 souls X your soul level. So if you're level 50 you'll have to fork over 100.000 souls for him to get your sins vanished.

Enjoy the guide and this amazing game!

[PST Would Like to Thank Dropeti for this Roadmap]

  • All trophies obtained. Congratulations!

    Obtain all other trophies and this one is yours. Congratulations indeed!

  • Acquire all rare weapons.

    To unlock this trophy you are required to hold, at the same time, all of the considered 'rare' weapons of the game. This includes all the weapons forged with bosses souls, all of the weapons acquired by cutting the tail of specific bosses and other ones. Shields included in these also count for the trophy. Note that not all weapons that use Twinkling Titanites to upgrade are required for the trophy.

    This is the trophy that will require you to play the game at least two full times and a half, solely because one of the bosses soul (Great Grey Wolf Sif's) is required to forge three different weapons.

    You can achieve this trophy by getting all weapons through multiple characters' games.
    For the Knights Honor trophy, it says you can get the weapons on any amount of characters. I got every weapon amongst my 4 characters and it didn't unlock, so I went and researched about it and it seems to be a glitch. You're supposed to get all weapons on a single character to get the trophy, but sometimes it will glitch and allow you to get them amongst any characters. Thanks [PS3T]kira!

    Below is a list of everything required for this trophy along with the information on how to obtain it. Big thanks to Blood_Runs_Cold for compiling most of the information in here!

    If you want, you can use the printable checklist from HERE made by Birr1978 to help you keep track of what you have.

    --Weapons & Shields Dropped by Enemies, Looted or Acquired by Joining Covenants

    Astoria's Straight Sword:
    Valley of Drakes. In front of the poison-spilling Zombie Dragon.

    Black Knight Greataxe:
    Dropped by Greataxe-Wielding Black Knights. You can find unlimited Black Knights right before the final boss fog door to farm it if you need.

    Black knight Greatsword:
    Random drop from any Greatsword-Wielding Black Knights in the game. You can find unlimited Black Knights right before the final boss fog door to farm it if you need.

    Black Knight Halberd:
    Dropped by Spear-Wielding Black Knights. You can find unlimited Black Knights right before the final boss fog door to farm it if you need.

    Black Knight Shield:
    Dropped by any Black Knights in the game. You can find unlimited Black Knights right before the final boss fog door to farm it if you need.

    Black Knight Sword:
    Random drop from any Sword Wielding Black Knight in the game. You can find unlimited Black Knights right before the final boss fog door to farm it if you need.

    Blood Shield:
    Painted World of Ariamis. On the bridge after the Dagon Zombie Fight.

    Channeler's Trident:
    Dropped from the Mage enemies. In the Duke's Archives they are respawnable.

    Crest Shield:
    Undead Asylum (Revisited). Kill the soldier who gave you the flask the first time you were here.

    Crescent Axe:
    Dropped from Patches in the Tomb of the Giants, or bought from Patches in Firelink Shrine.

    Dark Hand:
    Joining gift for Darkwraith Covenant.

    Dragon Crest Shield:
    Valley of Drakes. In front of the poison-spilling Zombie Dragon.

    Dragon Tooth:
    Anor Londo. Same room as Havel's Greatshield. From the third bonfire (the one inside the building) go through one of the doors and down the stairs to find two chests guarded by two Knights.

    Dragonslayer Greatbow:
    Anor Londo. In the main building where there are two staircases on each side you can find a cracked window on the top floor. Go through it and carefully roll to the enclosed area down below with the corpse and the loot.

    Effigy Shield:
    Tomb of Giants. After the first bonfire of the area but before the first fog door, turn to your left and go down the hole. The shield is in a tunnel in that area.

    Giant's Halberd:
    Bought for 5000 souls at Giant Blacksmith, or dropped from the giant knights in the same area.

    Tomb of Giants. Dropped by NPC invader "Divine Knight Leeroy". He will invade you in the way to the boss fight if you are in Human form.

    Gravelord Sword:
    Reward for joining the Gravelord Servant covenant.

    Havel's Greatshield:
    Anor Londo. Same room as the Dragon Tooth. From the third bonfire (the one inside the building) go through one of the doors and down the stairs to find two chests guarded by two Knights.

    Tomb of Giants. Dropped by NPC invader "Divine Knight Leeroy". He will invade you in the way to the boss fight if you are in Human form.

    Silver Knight Shield:
    Anor Londo. Dropped by any Silver Knight type.

    Silver Knight Spear:
    Anor Londo. Dropped by any Spear-wielding Silver Knight.

    Silver Knight Straight Sword:
    Anor Londo. Dropped by any Sword-wielding Silver Knight.

    Stone Greatshield:
    Darkroot Garden. Both the shield and the sword are dropped by any Stone Knight laying around before the Moonilight Butterfly boss.

    Stone Greatsword:
    Darkroot Garden. Both the shield and the sword are dropped by any Stone Knight laying around before the Moonilight Butterfly boss. Alternatively, you can buy it from the merchant Shiva of the East in Blightown for 15,000 souls if you are part of the Forest Hunter covenant.

    Velka's Rapier:
    Painted World of Ariamis. Found in a corpse inside the Annex area, behind a breakable door.

    --Weapons & Shields Forged With Bosses' Souls--

    Bosses Souls required:
    1x Soul of Ornstein (Acquired by killing Smough first in the Boss battle)
    1x Soul of Smough (Acquired by killing Ornstein first in the Boss battle)
    1x Soul of Priscilla
    2x Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (One of them being for a miracle)
    2x Soul of Moonlight Butterfly
    2x Soul of Quelaag
    2x Soul of Iron Golem
    2x Soul of Gwindolyn
    3x Soul of Great Gray Wolf Sif

    Dragonslayer Spear:
    Ascend any +10 rapier type weapon or spear and the soul of Ornstein, one of the bosses of Anor Londo for this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Mail Breaker
    Ricard's Rapier
    Winged Spear

    Smough's Hammer:
    Must ascend a +10 club/mace and the soul of Smough, one of the bosses of Anor Londo to get this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Morning Star
    Reinforced Club
    Demon's Great Hammer
    Large Club

    Lifehunt Scythe:
    Ascend any +10 Halberd/scythe and the soul of Priscilla, the Half Breed to get this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Gargoyle's Halberd
    Great Scythe
    Notched Whip

    Great Lord Greatsword:
    You must ascend a +10 weapon and the soul of Gwyn, The Lord of Cinder.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Parrying Dagger
    Bandit's Knife
    Demon Great Machete
    Man-Serpent Greatsword
    Barbed Straightsword
    Sunlight Straightsword
    Baldre Sidesword

    Moonlight Butterfly Horn:
    Ascend any +10 Spear or rapier and the soul of the Moonlight Butterfly for this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Mail Breaker
    Ricard's Rapier
    Winged Spear

    Crystal Ring Shield:
    Ascend a +10 shield/buckler and the soul of The Moonlight Butterfly to get this shield.

    --Compatible Shields--
    Plank Shield
    Small Leather Shield
    Leather Shield
    Target Shield
    Cracked Round Shield
    Red And White Round Shield
    Warrior's Round Shield
    Heater Shield
    Knight Shield
    Tower Kite Shield
    Grass Crest Shield
    Hollow Soldier Shield
    Balder Shield
    Iron Round Shield
    Spider Shield
    Spiked Shield
    pierce Shield
    Sunlight Shield
    Cadeceus Kite Shield
    Gargoyle's Shield
    Double Headed Eagle Shield
    Wooden Shield
    Large Leather Shield
    Eagle Shield
    Tower Shield
    Giant Shield
    Bonewheel Shield
    Effigy Shield
    Black Iron Greatshield

    Quelaag's Furysword:
    You must ascend a +10 weapon using the soul of Quelaag, the boss to ring the second bell. A good weapon to use would be a Scimtar purchased pretty cheap from the Undead merchant in Undead Burg.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Painting Guardian Sword

    Chaos Blade:
    You must ascend a +10 weapon and the soul of Quelaag. A good choice is the Iaito found in Blighttown.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Washing Pole

    Golem Axe:
    Make a +10 axe and use the core of the Iron Golem to ascen this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Demon's Greataxe
    Gargoyle Tailaxe
    Butcher Knife

    Dragonbone Fist:
    Ascend any +10 Cestus or claw and the core of the Iron Golem fot this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--

    Tin Darkmoon Catylist:
    Ascend any catylist and the soul of Gwyndolin, The Darkmoon God to get this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Oolicile Ivory Catylist
    Logan's Catylist
    Tin Banishment Catylist
    Sorcerer's Catylist
    Beatrice's Catylist

    Darkmoon Bow:
    Ascend any +10 Bow and the soul of Gwyndolin to get this weapon.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Short Bow
    Composite Bow
    Long Bow
    Dark Bow of Pharis

    Greatshield of Artorias:
    You must ascend pretty much any +10 shield/buckler and the soul of Sif, The Great Grey Wolf to aquire this shield.

    --Compatible Shields--
    Plank Shield
    Small Leather Shield
    Leather Shield
    Target Shield
    Cracked Round Shield
    Red And White Round Shield
    Warrior's Round Shield
    Heater Shield
    Knight Shield
    Tower Kite Shield
    Grass Crest Shield
    Hollow Soldier Shield
    Balder Shield
    Iron Round Shield
    Spider Shield
    Spiked Shield
    pierce Shield
    Sunlight Shield
    Cadeceus Kite Shield
    Gargoyle's Shield
    Double Headed Eagle Shield
    Wooden Shield
    Large Leather Shield
    Eagle Shield
    Tower Shield
    Giant Shield
    Bonewheel Shield
    Effigy Shield
    Black Iron Greatshield

    Greatsword of Artorias:
    You must Ascend a +10 straight sword with the soul of Sif, The Great Gray Wolf.
    Despite the name being the same, this version of the Greatsword of Artorias does NOT do magic damage, while the other one does. On the other hand this version is capable of damaging ghosts.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Parrying Dagger
    Bandit's Knife
    Man-Serpent Greatsword
    Sunlight Straightsword
    Balder Sidesword

    Greatsword of Artorias:
    You must ascend a +10 Broken sword dropped by the sword weilding zombies of Undead Burg/Parish and the soul of Sif, The Great Gray Wolf.
    Despite the name being the same, this version of the Greatsword of Artorias DOES magic damage, while the other one doesn't.

    --Compatible Weapons--
    Broken Straight Sword
    Straight Sword Hilt

  • Sorceries can either be purchased from certain NPCs, looted around the world or given as a reward by ranking up certain covenants. Below I will list where to get each sorcery and how to get the NPCs to sell them to you. Big thanks to Blood_Runs_Cold for compiling most of the information in here!

    If you want, you can use the printable checklist from HERE made by Birr1978 to help you keep track of what you have.

    --Sorceries Acquired by Looting/Rewarded--

    Great Magic Weapon:
    You can find this spell for free in Anor Londo. It is on the chandellier inside the church where the painting is. While walking on the narrow rafters of the church, cut the chain to the chandellier and it will drop to the floor of the church, making it obtainable.

    Strong Magic Shield:
    Duke's Archives. It is in a chest in one of the floors in first section of Library.

    Blighttown. Found in a chest in the upper rear section of Blighttown.

    In Sen's Fortress, from the boulder launch room, go to the trail that leads to the Mimic (chest enemy). While turning the corner from the boulder room, look right to see a gap in the wall. Jump through and attack the snake mage with an air attack. You'll land on some wooden boards. Look around you'll see a broken wall on one side and a hallway on the other. Go down the hallway and you'll be in a cell with the Hush spell on the ground along with an armor set. (Thanks to AlejandroM for the conformation)

    Alternatively you can kill the NPC Griggs of Vinhelm and he will drop it.

    --Sorceries Acquired by Purchasing--

    --Griggs of Vilhelm--

    Griggs can first be found locked inside a room in the lower Undead Burg, near the area where dogs and thieves attack you, right before the Capra Demon boss fight.

    To open his door you'll need the Residence Key, which can be purchased from the first merchant in Undead Burg for 1,000 souls. Once rescued he will go to Firelink Shrine and sell you his spells.
    Some time after buying everything from him, he will leave and go to Sen's Fortress where he will become Hollow. You'll find him in the second path that leads up to the mechanism that launches the large steel balls the giant on the roof is dropping. That is where you can kill him to acquire the "Hush" spell.

    When Big Hat Logan leaves the Shrine he will start selling you his spells as well.

    Soul Arrow:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 1,000 souls.

    Great Soul Arrow:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 6,000 souls.

    Heavy Soul Arrow:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 2,000 souls.

    Great Heavy Soul Arrow:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 8,000 souls.

    Aural Decoy:
    Griggs of Vinhelm. Cost 1,000 souls.

    Fall Control:
    Griggs of Vinhelm. Cost 1,500 souls.

    --Big Hat Logan--

    You can find Logan in Sen's Fortress, locked in a cage. The key is found by following the path beneath the merchant in Sen's Fortress, but players with a Master Key can open the cage right away. Free him and he will go to Firelink Shrine next to Griggs. He will sell stronger spells than Griggs.

    When you reach The Duke's Archives, you will find Logan in a cell again. You'll find the key to it in the area with two Mimic Chests and a lot of other regular chests. Go back, free him, and you will find him in another room of the archives, where you can purchase his best spells. Once you have bought everything from him and killed Seath in Crystal Cave, return to that room where he is and talk to him. He will start to mumble and talk to himself.

    After you reload the game or quit the area and come back he will be gone from that room and instead can be found in the room that Seath the Scaleless first was, however this time around he will be hollowed. Kill him to get the White Dragon Breath spell plus his hat and his catalyst.

    Magic Weapon:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 3,000 souls.

    Magic Shield:
    Griggs of Vinhelm or Big Hat Logan. Cost 3,000 souls.

    Homing Soulmass:
    Big Hat Logan. Cost 20,000 souls.

    Soul Spear:
    Big Hat Logan. Cost 40,000 souls.

    Homing Crystal Soulmass:
    Big Hat Logan, after moving to the Duke's Archives. Cost 30,000 souls.

    Crystal Soul Spear:
    Big Hat Logan. After moving to the Duke's Archives. Cost 50,000 souls.

    Crystal Magic Weapon:
    Big Hat Logan. After moving to the Duke's Archives. Cost 20,000 souls.

    White Dragon Breath:
    Kill Big Hat Logan when he turns hollow in the Duke's Archives.

    --Dusk of Oolacile--

    Dusk is trapped in a yellow crystal golem in Darkroot Basin. You have to kill the Hydra first. Once the Hydra is dead, leave Darkroot Basin completely (or reload the game) and come back. Go all the way into a cave behind where the Hydra was to find the yellow golem. Kill the golem, and Dusk will be free.

    Talk to her and accept to be taught by her. After that, she will disappear. To speak to her again, you must find her summon point. It's on a boulder by the water where you fought the Hydra.

    Hidden Weapon:
    Dusk of Oolacile. Cost 2,000 souls.

    Hidden Body:
    Dusk of Oolacile. Cost 2,000 souls.

    Cast Light:
    Dusk of Oolacile. Cost 1,000 souls.

    Dusk of Oolacile. Cost 10,000 souls.

    Dusk of Oolacile. Cost 3,000 souls.


    Ingward is the guy on the roof in the big ghost-infested building in New Londo Ruins, dressed in red. Talk to him here to buy his spell, otherwise he will go back to the Firelink Shrine after you beat the Four Kings where you can buy it.

    Resist Curse:
    Ingward. Cost 5,000 souls.

  • Pyromancies can either be purchased from certain NPCs, looted around the world or given as a reward by ranking up a certain covenant. Below I will list where to get each pyromancy and how to get the NPCs to sell them to you. Big thanks to Blood_Runs_Cold for compiling most of the information in here!

    If you want, you can use the printable checklist from HERE made by Birr1978 to help you keep track of what you have.

    --Pyromancies Acquired by Looting/Rewarded--

    Chaos Fire Whip:
    Lost Izalith. Found in a chest located on the right before going through the Bed of Chaos fog door. It is guarded by a Chaos Eater.

    Fire Surge:
    Painted World of Aramis. Dropped by one of the infected fire-spewing enemies. In the area where you fight the wheel skeleton enemies there will be a hidden fake wall right beside the lever, go through it and you'll a path that leads to the enemy holding this spell.

    Acid Surge:
    Painted World of Amaris. Found on a corpse in the area with all the bodies on spikes, close the the phalanx-like enemies, it is behind a little wall in the corner.

    Power Within:
    Blighttown. Found on a corpse beneath the giant leech enemy, next to the first bonfire.

    --Pyromancies Acquired by Ranking Up/Joining Covenants--


    This is the friendly Egg Carrier that guards Quelaag's sister, the White Lady, who gives you the Chaos Servant covenant. You must be infected with an egg on your head to have Eingyi sell you his pyromancy skills. For more information on the matter check the description for the "Covenant: Chaos Servant" trophy.

    Poison Mist:
    Eingyi. Cost 10,000 souls. You can also find this skill for free somewhere in the Blightown swamp, on the way to The Great Hollow. It is bundled with some armor and is on a corpse.

    Toxic Mist:
    Eingyi. Cost 20,000 souls.

    --Daughter of Chaos--

    You will find her beneath the second bell and where Eingyi is. You can join her Chaos Servant covenant to earn some powerful pyromancy skills. For more information on the matter check the description for the "Covenant: Chaos Servant" trophy.

    Great Chaos Fireball:
    Gift for joining the Chaos Servant Covenant

    Chaos Storm:
    Reward for reaching rank +2 in the Chaos Servant Covenant.

    --Pyromancies Acquired by Purchasing--

    --Laurentius of the Great Swamp--

    While in the Depths you will find him in a room full of barrels, after killing the two butchers in the area. Break the barrel that he is trapped in to free him. Be careful not to hit him, use the roll action to break the barrels.

    After killing Quelaag in Blighttown he will be in Firelink Shrine. He will ask if you find magic unsavory, to this, say NO. He will give you a pyromancy flame and allow you to buy his spells. He will also level up your pyromancy flame up to level 15, which you will want to do as soon as possible.

    Laurentius or Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 800 souls.

    Fire Orb:
    Laurentius or Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 8,000 souls.

    Laurentius or Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 500 souls.

    Iron Flesh:
    Laurentius. Cost 2,000 souls.

    Flesh Sweat:
    Laurentius. Cost 2,000 souls.

    --Quelaana of Izalith--

    Quelaana is in Blighttown swamps after you defeat Quelaag. Right when you get to the swamp via the water wheel you will see some large pillars to your right, she is behind the first pillar closest to you. Make sure you take care of any enemies in that area before going to talk to her.

    Great Fireball:
    Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 20,000 souls.

    Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 30,000 souls.

    Fire Whip:
    Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 10,000 souls.

    Great Combustion:
    Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 5,000 souls.

    Undead Rapport:
    Quelaana of Izalith. Cost 10,000 souls.

    Fire Tempest:
    After locating Quelaana in the Blighttown swamps, speak to her enough that she asks you a favor. To kill the Bed of Chaos. After defeating him in Lost Izalith return to her and she will reward you with this spell.

  • Miracles can either be purchased from certain NPCs, looted around the world or given as a reward by ranking up certain covenants. Since one of them require the soul of the game's last boss you'll only be able to unlock this trophy early in New Game+. Below I will list where to get each miracle and how to get the NPCs to sell them to you. Big thanks to Blood_Runs_Cold for compiling most of the information in here!

    If you want, you can use the printable checklist from HERE made by Birr1978 to help you keep track of what you have.

    --Miracles Acquired by Looting/Rewarded--

    Sunlight Blade:
    In a chest after defeating Gwyndolin. Check the "Defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin" for more information on how to reach it.

    Soothing Sunlight:
    Duke's Archives. Dropped by the enemy Pisaca, the slime/medusa-like enemies that guard the cell where Big Hat Logan is. Only usable when part of the Princess's Guard covenant.

    Bountiful Sunlight:
    Duke's Archives. Dropped by the enemy Pisaca, the slime/medusa-like enemies that guard the cell where Big Hat Logan is. Only usable when part of the Princess's Guard covenant.

    Great Magic Barrier:
    Ash Lake. You'll find a large tree with a branch going around it. Walk through it a bit until you can spot a branch below you with a hole in it. Drop inside it and follow the path to the miracle.

    Tranquil Walk of Peace:
    Found on a corpse in the Catacombs: Upper floor. There will be a small room with a ladder. There is nothing in this room but the miracle.

    Vow Of Silence:
    Painted World of Ariamis. On top of the tower you use the Annex Key to unlock. It is guarded by some harpies.

    Emit Force:
    Reward for helping Siegmeyer of Catarina, the "Onion Guy". After helping him out in Sen's Fortress talk to him in the Firelink Shrine and tell him you were the one who helped him and he gives you this miracle.

    --Miracles Acquired by Ranking Up/Joining Covenants--

    Gravelord Sword Dance:
    You'll be rewarded with this miracle by joining the Gravelord Servant covenant. Check the covenants section for more information.

    Gravelord Greatsword Dance:
    Gaining rank +1 in the Gravelord Servant covenant will give you this miracle. Eyes of Death level up this covenant. Check the covenants section for more information.

    Darkmoon Blade:
    Reward for getting to rank +1 in the Blade of the Darkmoon covenant. Souvenirs of Reprisal level up this covenant. Check the covenants section for more information.

    Lightning Spear:
    This miracle is rewarded upon joining the Warrior of Sunlight covenant. Check the covenants section for more information.

    Great Lightning Spear:
    This miracle is rewarded by ranking up the Warrior of Sunlight covenant to rank +1. Check the covenants section for more information.

    Sunlight Spear:
    In order to get this miracle you'll have first to defeat the last boss of the game and get his soul. Then, in New Game+ you need to rank up the Warrior of Sunlight covenant to rank +1, which will enable you to offer Gwyn's soul in exchange for the miracle.

    --Miracles Acquired by Purchasing--

    --Petrus of Thorolund--

    Petrus can be found as soon as you get to Firelink Shrine, in the direction of the crow, to the right. Buy all of his miracles when you can because he doesn't stay there forever. If you miss him you can still buy all of his miracles through Rhea of Thorolund.

    Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea. Cost: 4,000 souls with Petrus; 1,000 souls with Rhea.

    Great Heal Excerpt:
    Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea. Cost: 10,000 souls with Petrus; 2,000 souls with Rhea.

    Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea. Cost: 8,000 souls with Petrus; 1,000 souls with Rhea.

    Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea. Cost 4,000 souls with Petrus; 1,000 souls with Rhea.

    Seek Guidance:
    Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea. Cost 2,000 souls with Petrus; 500 souls with Rhea.

    --Rhea of Thorolund--

    She will appear next to Petrus along with her bodyguards around the time you ring the first bell. You will see her praying behind the other men. She will tell you where they are headed but will not sell you miracles...Yet.

    When you reach the Tomb of Giants, you will find Rhea trapped, and her bodyguards Hollow. Kill them and speak with her. She will leave for Undead Parish. There you can talk to her, praying in the Church altar, and buy her miracles. Buy them all as soon as possible since she does not stay there forever.

    Great Heal:
    Rhea of Thorolund. Cost 10,000 souls.

    Wrath of The God's:
    Rhea of Thorolund. Cost 10,000 souls.

    Magic Barrier:
    Rhea of Thorolund. Cost 6,000 souls.

    Event reward. After going to the Tomb of the Giants and finding that Rhea's two bodyguards have gone hollow, kill them and speak with her. She will give you this miracle as a reward.

    --Oswald of Carim--

    Oswald is the NPC you run into after ringing the first bell in the Parish Church who absolves sins

    Karmic Justice:
    Oswald of Carim. Cost: 40,000 souls.

  • Discover Way of White covenant.

    The Way of White covenant is the easiest covenant to join and it is avaiable as soon as you reach Lordran. The Knight and Cleric classes start with this covenant from the get-go, but to get the trophy you need to be asked to join the covenant like any other.

    How to Join:
    Speak to Petrus of Thorolund (who sells miracles in Firelink Shrine) and he will ask you to join. Alternatively, if you have saved Rhea of Thorolund in the Tomb of the Giants she will appear for some time in the altar of the Parish Church and will also offer you to join it.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:

    Other Notes:
    You can still buy miracles from Petrus or Rhea if you do not join or quit the covenant.

    Being a part of this covenant makes you match up with players of the same covenant more easily in co-op online play.

  • Acquire best wpn through standard reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through standard reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +15 weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Andrei of Astoria in the Undead Parish, near the church and you will need to give him both the Large Ember and the Very Large Ember.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Ember and Andrei of Astoria require required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to +10 = 9x Large Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Very Large Ember and Andrei of Astoria require required ~~
    Weapon from +10 to +14 = 8x Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from +14 to +15 =1x Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through crystal reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through crystal reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 crystal weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo, near the main door to the big bulding, and you will need to give him the Crystal Ember. You must give him a regular +10 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with crystal capabilities using the Crystal Ember, you will need the blacksmith Andrei of Astoria to get a regular weapon up to +10.

    Alternatively you can loot a Crystal Halberd in Anor Londo near the drop off location from Sen's Fortress from a Mimic chest. Using it will spare you of having to give embers or using any specific blacksmith to fully level it.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to +10 = 9x Large Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Crystal Ember and Rickert of Vinheim required ~~
    Weapon from +10 to Crystal +4 = 9x Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Crystal +4 to Crystal +5 =1x Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through lightning reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through lightning reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 lightning weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo, near the main door to the big bulding, and you don't need to give him any Ember. You must give him a regular +10 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with lightning capabilities, you will need the blacksmith Andrei of Astoria to get a regular weapon up to +10.

    Alternatively you can loot a Lightning Spear in Sen's Fortress in the middle of the way going up from a Mimic chest. Using it will spare you of having to use this specific blacksmith to fully level it.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to +10 = 9x Large Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Giant Blacksmith required ~~
    Weapon from +10 to Lightning +4 = 9x Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Lightning +4 to Lightning +5 =1x Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through raw reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through raw reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 raw weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Andrei of Astoria in the Undead Parish, near the church, you will need to give him the Large Ember. You must give him a regular +5 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with raw capabilities.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Raw +5 = 10x Large Titanite Shards required

  • Acquire best wpn through magic reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through magic reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +10 magic weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Rickert of Vinheim in New Londo Ruins, near the beginning, and you will need to give him the Large Magic Ember. You must give him a regular +5 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with magic capabilities.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Rickert of Vinheim required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Magic +5 = 10x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Magic Ember and Rickert of Vinheim required ~~
    Weapon from Magic +5 to Magic +9 = 10x Blue Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Magic +9 to Magic +10 =1x Blue Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through enchanted reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through enchanted reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 enchanted weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Rickert of Vinheim in New Londo Ruins, near the beginning, and you will need to give him the Enchanted Ember. You must give him a Magic +5 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with enchanted capabilities.

    Alternatively you can loot a Enchanted Falchion in Duke's Archives in the room you respawn after being defeated by Seath, from a Mimic chest. Using it will spare you of having to use the ember and this specific blacksmith to fully level it.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Rickert of Vinheim required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Magic +5 = 10x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Enchanted Ember and Rickert of Vinheim required ~~
    Weapon from Magic +5 to Enchanted +4 = 10x Blue Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Enchanted +4 to Enchanted +5 =1x Blue Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through divine reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through divine reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +10 divine weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Andrei of Astoria in the Undead Parish, near the church, you will need to give him both the Divine Ember and the Large Divine Ember. You must give him a +5 weapon and the Divine Ember in order for him to reinforce it with divine capabilities.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Divine Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Divine +5 = 10x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Divine Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from Divine +5 to Divine +9 = 7x White Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Divine +9 to Divine +10 =1x White Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through fire reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through fire reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +10 fire weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is the skeleton blacksmith Vamos in the Catacombs, near the entrance to Pinwheel's lair (although to reach him you must come from the Catacomb's bonfire), you will need to give him the Large Flame Ember. You must give him a +5 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with fire capabilities.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Blacksmith Vamos required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Fire +5 = 11x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Large Flame Ember and Blacksmith Vamos required ~~
    Weapon from Fire +5 to Fire +9 = 7x Red Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Fire +9 to Fire +10 =1x Red Titanite Slab required

  • Acquire best wpn through chaos reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through chaos reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 chaos weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is the skeleton blacksmith Vamos in the Catacombs, near the entrance to Pinwheel's lair (although to reach him you must come from the Catacomb's bonfire), you will need to give him the Chaos Flame Ember. You must give him a +5 Fire weapon and the Chaos Flame Ember in order for him to reinforce it with chaos capabilities. For that you must first give him a +5 weapon in order for him to reinforce it with fire capabilities.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Blacksmith Vamos required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Fire +5 = 11x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Chaos Flame Ember and Blacksmith Vamos required ~~
    Weapon from Fire +5 to Chaos +4 = 7x Red Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Chaos +4 to Chaos +5 =1x Red Titanite Slab required

  • This will be the very first trophy you'll get in the game. You get it during your tutorial playthrough in the Undead Asylum when you light your very first bonfire.

  • This is another easy trophy that will follow the previous one. A bit after you find the first bonfire you'll come to a hallway with stairs going up and down (going up trigger a trap). At this point look behind you and you'll spot a breakable wall with a Knight inside. Talk to him and you'll unlock the Estus Flasks and the trophy.

  • The last easy trophy of the bunch. You'll get this one as soon as you finish the Undead Asylum tutorial level and reach the main 'world' of the game, Lordran, through the big black raven.

  • Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church.

    When you first reach Lordran you'll be given the only objective of finding and ringing both Bells existing in the world. One of them is located at the top of the Undead Church in Undead Parish and it is the recommended first one to ring.

    Start by taking the right-hand path from Firelink Shrine up to Undead Burg and from there you'll advance to Undead Parish, probably beating the Taurus Demon boss on the way. When you reach the Parish you'll easily spot the big Church where you'll fight the Bell Gargoyles and then ring the bell.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Ring Bell of Awakening in Quelaag's domain.

    The second bell can be found in the depths of Queelag's Domain, which can be reached by going deeper and deeper underground.

    Start by taking the right-hand path from Firelink Shrine up to Undead Burg and from there you'll advance to Undead Parish, probably beating the Taurus Demon boss on the way. From there one of the possible paths is to go to the lower part of the city where you'll find the Capra Demon boss, who will reward you with the key to the Depths. Use it to open the nearby door to access the Depths area where you'll eventually face the Gaping Dragon boss and gain the key to Blightown.

    You'll find the entrance to Blightown in one of the large areas of the sewers near a merchant, take it and keep advancing deeper and deeper until you reach the bottom floor which will be a huge swamp. In one of the sides of this swamp you'll spot a big spider-web like structure where there'll be the passage to finally reach Queelag's Domain, beat the Chaos Witch Quelaag boss and finally ring the second bell.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Acquire the Rite of Kindling.

    Nearby the Firelink Shrine you should probably have spotted some skeleton enemies and a small graveyard. To the left of this graveyard, near the cliff, there is a ramp that leads to (in my opinion) one of the most annoying areas of the game: the Catacombs and, going further, the Tomb of the Giants.

    To acquire the Rite of Kindling you'll have to beat the boss Pinwheel that is located at the end of the Catacombs and guard the entrance to the Tomb of the Giants. Although the Catacombs area may be hard for low-level players, it is worth it to push your way through at least until you beat Pinwheel and get this trophy because with it you'll be granted the power to kindle your bonfire flames even further, allowing you to get up to 20 Estus Flasks from any bonfire you do it with. However I highly recommend you turn back and leave the area once you have beaten him and leave the Tomb of the Giants area for later on.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Acquire the Art of Abysswalking.

    During your journey to ring both bells you'll probably step into the forest area of the game, Darkroot Garden and its lower counter-part, Darkroot Basin. To acquire the 'Art of Abysswalking' means you'll have to acquire the ring called 'Covenant of Artorias' that allows you to reach another area of the game - the Abyss.

    To get the ring you'll have to beat the boss Great Grey Wolf Sif that is located in the upper part of the forest, behind a sealed door. There are two ways to reach this boss, one is to buy the crest that opens this sealed door from the Blacksmith in Undead Parish (for 20.000 souls) which will allow you to pretty much run straight to the boss door. The other method is to take the long way around going all the way down to Darkroot Basin, defeating the 'mini'-boss Hydra that sits in the lake and then proceeding to take the ladder right next to it, reaching the locked area of the forest and the boss door, which you will still need the crest to open anyway.

    Either way, along the way you'll probably face yet another boss, the Moonlight Butterfly.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • After ringing both bells you'll view a cutscene where the big doors next to the Undead Parish Blacksmith will open, allowing you entrance to the trap-filled Sen's Fortress. This is the way to go to advance the story and eventually acquire the Lordvessel.

    Push your way through this dungeon and at the very top you'll face the Iron Golem boss fight. After defeating him you'll spot an orange ring in the area he was at, touch that ring and you'll be taken to past the big walls on the very top of the mountain, to the enormous city of Anor Londo, unlocking the trophy by doing so.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Acquiring the Lordvessel is your main objective in the game after you have rung both bells and it is done by pushing your way through all of the city of Anor Londo and beating the boss pair inside the largest building: Ornstein and Smough. Once you have done that, progress to the next room and you'll find Gwynevere, the Princess of Sunlight. Talking to her will grant you the Lordvessel and the trophy.

    You can still acquire the Lordvessel if you kill her but be warned that the entire Anor Londo area will become dark and all enemies of the level (except for the painting guards) will be gone and only two humanoid enemies will show up in the main hall of the main building. By doing this you will also not be able to join the Princess's Guard and Blade of the Darkmoon covenants in this playthrough.

    Once you acquire the Lordvessel you'll be able to warp from any bonfire to select major bonfires around the world instantly.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

Secret trophies

  • Reach "To Link the Fire" ending.

    Once you have filled your Lordvessel with all four souls of the great lords you can challenge the game's final boss. You can either talk to Frampt, the serpent in Firelink Shrine or, if he isn't there anymore, you can simply jump on the hole he used to be and you'll reach the area Kiln of The First Flame, the last one of the game.

    At the end of the area you will find the fog door leading to the final boss. Before going through make sure you have done everything you wanted to do in this playthrough because after you beat him you'll inevitably be thrown into New Game+.

    After beating him you'll have two choices of endings. To acquire this trophy simply light the bonfire in the center of the area and end the game.

    Check the bosses and covenants sections for more information on them.

  • Reach "The Dark Lord" ending.

    The same as "To Link the Fire" above however after you beat the boss turn around and go back the way you came to end the game.

    Check the bosses and covenants sections for more information on them.

  • Discover Princess's Guard covenant.

    The Princess's Guard covenant is another easy one to join that you may join without even looking for it.

    How to Join:
    In Anor Londo, after defeating the bosses Ornstein and Smough you'll reach a big room with Gwynevere, who gives you the Lordvessel. If you talk to her more she'll offer you to join this covenant.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you'll receive the Sun Princess Ring as a reward. You can not rank up in this covenant.

    Other Notes:
    You can only use the miracles Bountiful Sunlight and Soothing Sunlight while inside this covenant (both of them are found in the Duke's Archives). Players of this covenant are matched up with players from the same covenant more easily in online play. If you attack Gwynevere you won't be able to join this covenant unless you absolve your sins and she is kept alive.

  • Discover Blade of the Darkmoon covenant.

    This is arguably the truly 'good' covenant of the game and members hunt down other players who have sinned and have their names in the Book of the Guilty.

    How to Join:
    First of all you'll need the Darkmoon Seance Ring, which is obtainable in the Catacombs (check the Defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin trophy description for more information on the ring).

    Proceed to the Anor Londo's second bonfire, which is located by rotating the spinning platform to the lowest possible. Beside it you'll see a big statue, equip the ring and it will vanish, revealing a corridor with a fog door at the end. Do not enter the fog door or you'll instantly start a boss battle and will not be able to join the covenant anymore. Instead, choose to kneel in the mat before the fog and you'll engage in a conversation with Gwyndolin and will be able to join the covenant.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining the player will be awarded with the Blue Eye Orb and Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant Ring.

    To upgrade your rank in this covenant you need to offer Souvenirs of Reprisal consumable items to Gwyndolin by kneeling in the mat before the fog door. You can get Souvenirs of Reprisal either by invading the world of the guilty through the Blue Eye Orb or the Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant Ring. Alternatively you can loot Souvenirs of Reprisal from the harpies in the Painted World of Ariamis level, but it is a rare drop.

    Offline Method:
    • You can get one Souvenir of Reprisal by trading a Pendant for it with Snuggly the Crow in Undead Asylum.
    • You can farm these by killing the Harpies enemies in the Painted World of Ariamis. It is a rare drop however.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 Souvenir of Reprisal upgrades you to rank+1 and rewards you with the miracle Darkmoon Sword and the Darkmoon Talisman. This is required for the miracles trophy.
    • Offering 30 Souvenir of Reprisal upgrades you to rank+2 but gives no reward.
    • Offering 80 Souvenir of Reprisal upgrades you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:

    • The Blue Eye Orb allows you to invade players in the Book of the Guilty that are in human form in the area that you use it and the player will be warned of your invasion.
    • The Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant Ring allows you to be randomly summoned to invade another player's world who is in the Book of the Guilty at any time when equipped, however it only works with players that have killed Gwynevere making their Anor Londo dark. When summoned through the ring you'll only invade players that are in Anor Londo at the moment but that player will not be warned of your invasion, so you can use that to your advantage. You do not need to be in Anor Londo yourself to be summoned this way.
    • Players that you kill by invading through this covenant means will not be able to indict you as this will not be considered a sin.
  • Discover Warrior of Sunlight covenant.

    This covenant is the NPC's Solaire of Astoria guild and it focuses on co-op online play.

    How to Join:
    You join this covenant by praying to the Sunlight Altar in Undead Parish, right next to the bonfire, under the place where the Red Dragon sits. To join it you have two options: Having a 50 Faith stat in your character or by helping other people cooperatively online.
    NOTE: After patch 1.05 was released the requirement to join this covenant has been decreased from 50 faith to 25!

    While the '50 faith' requirement stays active, every time you place your summon sign and help another player beat the area's boss that requirement is lowered by 5 points. This way, if you help people kill an area boss 5 times your faith requirement to join will become 25 faith (5 times 5). If you help 8 people beat bosses you'll need only 10 faith to join and so on.

    If you have met the requirements, pray to the altar and you'll be given the option to join the covenant. If you have met the requirements for joining this covenant once it will remain active forever, throughout your new games, so you can join this covenant as soon as you reach the sunlight altar in NG+.

    Offline Method:

    You will need a 50 faith stat no matter what. (25 if you download patch 1.05!)

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining the player will be awarded with the miracle Lightning Spear and a new gesture. To rank up inside the covenant you have to offer Sunlight Medals to the altar.

    Every time you or someone in the group helps the host beat the area's boss everyone in that group will be rewarded with a Sunlight Medal. This means that even if you are not in the covenant and summon someone who is to help you, everyone in the group gets a medal by the end of the area, including you.

    Offline Method:
    • You can find 3 of these in a chest in Anor Londo. It is in room right across the hallway from the third bonfire of the area, guarded by a single Silver Knight.
    • You receive 1 of these as a reward from Knight Lautrec of Carim in Firelink Shrine after you free him from his cell in the Undead Parish church.
    • In the same way the online method works when you summon a phantom from this covenant, whenever you summon the NPC Solaire Of Astora before a boss fight and proceed to beat it with his help you will be awarded a medal.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 Sunlight Medals upgrade you to rank+1. You are rewarded with the miracle Great Lightning Spear and also gain the ability to offer the game's final boss soul in exchange of yet another miracle, the Sunlight Spear. This is required for the miracles trophy.
    • Offering 30 Sunlight Medals upgrade you to rank+2 but gives no reward.
    • Offering 80 Sunlight Medals upgrade you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:
    A member of this covenant appears as a golden phantom when summoned to a player world (instead of the regular white-ish color). Summon signs on the floor also change to a golden color. As mentioned, when you beat an area boss being part of the covenant everyone in the game receives a Sunlight Medal upon completion. Players of this covenant get matched up with other ones from the same covenant more easily.

  • Discover Forest Hunter covenant.

    The Forest Hunters are the overseers of the forbidden area of the Darkroot Garden forest, right behind the sealed door.

    How to Join:
    Right past the sealed door in the forest you'll find two semi-destroyed buildings and in the first one (coming from the door) you'll find Alvina, a big grey cat in one of the windows. Simply talk to her and she'll offer you to join the covenant. To reach this place you can either buy the seal to unlock the big door from the Undead Parish Blacksmith for 20,000 souls or you can go the long way around, through the Hydra lake and up the stairs. Check the Art of Abysswalking trophy description for more information on how to get there.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you'll be rewarded with the Cat Covenant Ring which, when equipped, will automatically summon you to invade another player world when that person breaks into the forbidden forest area. Upon invading you must find the player and kill him, doing so will reward you with a random Titanite stone and will also give progress to ranking up inside the covenant. Whenever you kill an intruder go back to Alvina and talk to her to get your reward.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Killing 1 intruder will grant you a Divine Blessing consumable item.
    • Killing 3 intruders will grant you the Ring of Fog.
    • Killing 5 intruders makes Alvina tell you about the NPC Shiva.
    • Killing 10 intruders upgrade you to rank+1 but gives no reward.
    • Killing 30 intruders upgrade you to rank+2 but gives no reward.
    • Killing 80 intruders upgrade you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:
    When you join this covenant all the humanoid enemies in the forest area will stop attacking you and if at any time you attack Alvina or any of them the covenant bond will be broken immediately. If any of the enemies accidentally fall off a cliff and die the bond will be broken as well.

    Killing any invader through Alvina's summoning counts as a sin and allows the invaded person to indict your name to the Book of the Guilty if you kill them.

    The NPC merchant Shiva Of The East only appears when you are a member of the Forest Hunter covenant. He can appear either right outside the building where Alvina is or below the water wheel in the swamp of Blightown. You do not need to have Alvina tell you about Shiva for him to appear, just being part of the covenant is enough.

    Possible Bug Warning:

    There is a known bug in this area that may cause one of the humanoid enemies to get themselves killed or hurt right after you join the covenant, making you break the pledge. This can happen if you go talk to Alvina while any of them are chasing you so to be safe as soon as you join the covenant press start and go back to the main menu to reload your game so the enemies reset.

  • Discover Darkwraith covenant.

    Darkwraith is the truly evil covenant of the game and its main focus is on invading another player's worlds and killing them to acquire humanity.

    How to Join:

    WARNING: After obtaining the Lord Vessel, don't talk to Framp in the Fire link shire. Instead, go to New Londor and defeat the 4 Kings. If you place the Lord Vessel, you will void the trophy and need to do it again on NG+

    To join you need to speak to the big Primordial Serpent NPC Darkstalker Kaathe. It looks just like Frampt who appears in Firelink Shrine however this one wishes to engulf the world in darkness. It is located in the Abyss and appears as soon as you defeat The Four Kings boss fight if you have met the requirements.

    • First of all you'll need the Covenant of Artorias ring, which is your reward for beating the boss Great Gray Wolf Sif and allows you to access the Abyss.
    • If you still haven't acquired the Lordvessel: Go to New Londo Ruins and find the NPC Ingward. Kill him and take the key to the seal, release it and reach the Abyss entrance. After killing the Four Kings just speak to the serpent Kaathe and join the covenant.
    • If you have already acquired the Lordvessel: Do NOT speak to the Primordial Serpent Frampt (in a hole in Firelink Shrine). Go to New Londo Ruins and speak to the NPC Ingward. He gives you the key to the seal, use it to release it and reach the Abyss entrance. After killing the Four Kings just speak to the serpent Kaathe and join the covenant.
    • You can speak to Frampt all you want before acquiring the Lordvessel.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you'll receive the weapon/shield Dark Hand and will also be able to purchase Cracked Red Eye Orbs with Kaathe. To upgrade your rank in this covenant you need to offer a sacrifice of (banked) humanities to the Primordial Serpent Kaathe.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 humanities upgrades you to rank+1 and gives you the Red Eye Orb, which allows you to invade other people games indefinitely as long as you are still in the covenant.
    • Offering 30 humanities upgrades you to rank+2 and you are rewarded with the Dark Sword and the Dark Armor Set. These are NOT needed for the weapons trophy
    • Offering 85 humanities upgrades you to rank+3 and the Dark Hand secondary attack drains more humanity. This is NOT needed for the weapons trophy

    Other Notes:
    The Dark Hand's secondary attack is used to drain humanity from human enemies or NPCs when equipped in the right hand and works as a black-hole type of shield when equipped in the left hand.

  • Discover Path of the Dragon covenant.

    The Path of the Dragon covenant can be one of the first ones to be joined in the game if you have the master key but you can also skip it entirely, since it is in an optional area of the game.

    How to Join:
    To join this covenant you simply need to talk to the Everlasting Stone Dragon, who is located at the Ash Lake. To get there you need to enter the Great Hollow area which is accessible through the big branch-like path in the swamp area of Blightown. Once inside the Great Hollow go all the way to the bottom of it and through the fog door to get to the Lake and find the dragon.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you'll be rewarded with the Everlasting Dragon Eye and a Dragon Head Stone. By using the Everlasting Dragon Eye you'll make a dragon-like summon sign appear in another player's world who have in their possession a Dragon Scale item. That player can then touch the sign and summon you to invade their world and duel with them. Whoever wins gets a Dragon Scale. You can rank up inside the covenant by offering Dragon Scales.

    Offline Method:
    • You can find one in a chest in Blightown, in a chest in the sewer-like area.
    • You can find one near the bottom of the very first elevator of Anor Londo.
    • You can trade one Egg Vermifuge for a scale with Snuggly the Crow in Undead Asylum.
    • By defeating each of the two Undead Dragons and two Hydras of the game you'll also be rewarded with these scales. Additionally near where the Hydra is in Ash Lake there is three extra scales to be found.
    • Lastly the Drakes in the Valley of Drakes can drop very rarely a scale.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 Dragon Scales upgrade you to rank+1 but gives no reward.
    • Offering 30 Dragon Scales upgrade you to rank+2 and you are rewarded with the Dragon Torso Stone.
    • Offering 80 Dragon Scales upgrade you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:
    Upon using the Dragon Head Stone without wearing any helmet your head will be replaced with a dragon's head and you'll not be able to wear helmets anymore, however every time you use the Dragon Head Stone again you'll breathe fire which power will be determined by the player's covenant level.

    Upon using the Dragon Torso Stone without wearing any torso gear your torso will be replaced by a dargon's torso and you'll not be able to wear armor anymore. Apart from increased unarmed damage the player will emmit a shockwave power every time the Dragon Torso Stone is used again.

    Both of the effects above are nullified upon death.

  • Discover Gravelord Servant covenant.

    The Gravelord Servant covenant is, as the name implies, the covenant from servants of the Gravelord Nito, boss residing in the depths of the Tomb of the Giants. It is only available before you kill him as part of the story progression, obviously.

    How to Join:
    First of all you must do this before killing the Gravelord and completing the Tomb of the Giants area, as mentioned above.

    In the Catacombs area you'll come to a room with a Titanite Demon and many coffins on the walls. One of these will be sticking out and will be half-open. When approached you'll be given the option to enter the coffin. Do so and wait a couple of seconds, you'll be transported to the Gravelord's lair where you can talk to him and join the covenant. To join you'll also need at least one Eye of Death consumable item in your inventory.

    The covenant members can use an Eye of Death to set up a sign in three random player worlds that are nearby. These players will get their game difficulty increased and will have to find this sign in their worlds to invade the covenant member and try to kill him and lift the curse. If one of these players die while trying to find the sign half of all his souls will go to the covenant member along with another Eye of Death.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you are rewarded with the Gravelord Sword and the miracle Gravelord Sword Dance.
    To upgrade your rank in this covenant you need to offer Death Eyes consumable items to Gravelord Nito. Whenever you use a Death Eye and it manages to get a player killed the user will get another Death Eye for each player that got killed.

    Offline Method:
    • You can find 3 Eyes of Death behind the Titanite Demon in the Catacombs.
    • There are 3 Eyes of Death to be found near the beginning of the Tomb of the Giants area, to the left of the first giant coffin you pass.
    • If you have not killed/engaged Patches the Hyena in a fight when you kill Nito and complete the Tomb of Giants area you will be able to buy another 3 Eyes of Death from him for 3,000 souls a piece. Be wary though that you'll only be able use these Eyes in the next playthrough, since Nito will be dead.
    • The Basilisks (curse frogs) found in The Depths and The Great Hollow have a very rare chance of dropping them.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 Death Eyes upgrades you to rank+1 and rewards you with the miracle Gravelord Greatsword Dance. This is required for the miracles trophy.
    • Offering 30 Death Eyes upgrades you to rank+2 but gives no reward.
    • Offering 80 Death Eyes upgrades you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:
    Killing or attacking Nito will kick you out of the covenant instantly and you'll have to absolve your sins in order to re-join.
    You can get Death Eyes in three possible ways: loots around the world, buying up to three of them from Patches (only after you killed Nito and have spared Patches) or by farming the Cursed Frogs in either the Depths or the Great Hollow areas (rare drop).

    If you get a Gravelord Sword through online trade before offering 10 Eyes to Nito a glitch can occur where you don't get any rewards for the offer. More info here. (thanks to Tostigroover)

  • Discover Chaos Servant covenant.

    To join the Chaos Servant covenant you need to have advanced until the point of the game where you ring the bell in Queelag's Domain, after beating Queelag to be precise.

    How to Join:
    In the room after Queelag's lair you'll be able to either go up and ring the bell or go down and find the passage to Demon Ruins. Go down the stairs and in one of the sides of the room there will be a hidden hallway beneath a fake wall. Inside it you'll find Queelag's sister, the Daughter of Chaos. You can't speak to her unless you have the Old Witch's Ring equipped but that doesn't stop you from joining the covenant. Beside her you'll find her servant, Eingyi, who also can let you in the covenant.

    Rewards for Joining/Ranking Up:
    Upon joining you will receive the Great Chaos Fireball pyromancy. To upgrade your rank in this covenant you need to offer a sacrifice of (banked) humanities to the Daughter of Chaos.

    Covenant Ranks:

    • Offering 10 humanities upgrades you to rank+1 but gives no reward.
    • Offering 30 humanities upgrades you to rank+2 and you are rewarded with the Chaos Firestorm pyromancy and also gain the ability to open the sealed stone door shortcut in Demon Ruins to Lost Izalith. This is required for the pyromancies trophy.
    • Offering 80 humanities upgrades you to rank+3 but gives no reward.

    Other Notes:
    Eingyi will sell you two unique pyromancies but to be able to buy them you must first show loyalty to him. In order to do so you must get a egg-parasite in your head and then talk to him whilst having your head replaced by the egg. To get the parasite you can simply walk outside to the entrance of Demon Ruins and let one of the Eingyi-like enemies grab you and plant it in your head. After some time has passed the egg will hatch and you can go back and talk to Eingyi.

    Having the egg in the place of your head enables you to wear any helmet and you also become weak to any fire-based damage. To get rid of the parasite you must use a Egg Vermifuge consumable item, which can either be bought from Eingyi or dropped from Eingyi-type enemies.

    Attacking either the Daughter of Chaos or Eingyi will make you instantly break the covenant.

  • Acquire best wpn through occult reinfrc.

    To acquire this trophy you will have to upgrade a weapon through occult reinforcement up to the maximum amount possible, which is a +5 occult weapon.

    The only blacksmith capable of completing this job is blacksmith Andrei of Astoria in the Undead Parish, near the church, you will need to give him both the Divine Ember and the Dark Ember.
    You must give him a +5 Divine weapon and the Dark Ember in order for him to reinforce it with occult capabilities. For that you must first give him a +5 weapon and the Divine Ember in order for him to reinforce it with divine capabilities.

    Alternatively you can loot a Occult Club in Anor Londo in the room you get the Havel's armor, from a Mimic chest behind an illusionary wall. Using it will spare you of having to use the embers and this specific blacksmith to fully level it.

    Weapon from +0 to +5 = 9x Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Divine Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from +5 to Divine +5 = 10x Green Titanite Shards required
    ~~ Dark Ember and Andrei of Astoria required ~~
    Weapon from Divine +5 to Occult +4 = 7x White Titanite Chunks required
    Weapon from Occult +4 to Occult+5 =1x White Titanite Slab required

  • Defeat the Soul Lord Gravelord Nito.

    Once you acquire the Lordvessel you'll be given the task of filling it with the four souls of the great lords of the world so that you can finally challenge the game's final boss. One of these souls is the soul of the Gravelord Nito.

    Nito is located at the very bottom of the Tomb of the Giants area, passing through the Catacombs (and its boss, Pinwheel) along the way.

    The Tomb area is almost entirely pitch black, filled with very strong giant enemies but soon after the area's first bonfire you'll find the NPC called Patches the Hyena. Either way you deal with him there will be a drop behind him that houses a very important item, the Skull Lantern, which will light your way through the rest of the tomb.

    The door to Nito's tomb is only accessible after acquiring the Lordvessel and the Tomb of the Giants area can be a pain to get out if you don't know what you're doing, so make sure you come prepared.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.

    Once you acquire the Lordvessel you'll be given the task of filling it with the four souls of the great lords of the world so that you can finally challenge the game's final boss. One of these souls is the soul of the Bed of Chaos.

    Bed of Chaos is located at the very depths of Lordran in the area Lost Izalith, which is past Demon Ruins. From Queelag's Domain you can easily reach the Demon Ruins early on, but to enter Lost Izalith you'll have to face some very powerful enemies so come prepared.

    Going through Demon Ruins you'll first have to face the boss Ceaseless Discharge and when you reach the end of the area with the fog door ahead you'll have two ways to reach the Bed of Chaos boss. You can go straight ahead through the fog doors and defeat first the Demon Firesage boss and then the Centipede Demon to enter Lost Izalith through the lava-filled main entrance. Or, if you are part of the Chaos Servant covenant, you can rank up +2 in it which will enable you to open the stone door at the end of the corridor to your right, before the fog door to Demon Firesage. Doing this will also put you almost at the Bed of Chaos fog door in Lost Izalith, allowing you to skip a pretty annoying part of the area.

    Check the bosses and covenants sections for more information on them.

  • Defeat the Four Kings, inheritors of souls.

    Once you acquire the Lordvessel you'll be given the task of filling it with the four souls of the great lords of the world so that you can finally challenge the game's final boss. One of these souls is the soul of the Four Kings.

    The Four Kings are located the very bottom of the New Londo Ruins, in the Abyss, however to get there you'll need to first lower the water of the area and also have equipped the ring Covenant of Artorias (check the "Art of Abysswalking" trophy description for information on how to get it). The Abyss is located by jumping inside a deep hole in the area and the ring prevents you from dying instantly with the fall.

    To lower the water of the whole area and clear the way to the Abyss entrance you'll have to release a seal that opens the huge doors that connect New Londo to the Valley of Drakes, however the seal is inside a locked door and the only NPC of the area, Ingward, is the one with the key.

    To get to him you'll have to go through the narrow bridges and ghost-filled buildings in order to reach the roof of the biggest one where you'll find him. If you talk to him after acquiring the Lordvessel he will promptly give you the key, however if you get to him before doing so (one of the ways to enter the Darkwraith covenant) you'll have to kill him in order to loot the key, release the seal, and progress to the Abyss entrance.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Defeat Seath the Scaleless, inheritors of souls.

    Once you acquire the Lordvessel you'll be given the task of filling it with the four souls of the great lords of the world so that you can finally challenge the game's final boss. One of these souls is the soul of Seath the Scaleless.

    To reach Seath you'll have to traverse through the Duke's Archives and then through the Crystal Cave. From the main Anor Londo bonfire turn left and after passing a couple of guards you'll reach a slope with a fog door leading to the Archives. This is one of the fog doors that will only open after acquiring the Lordvessel.

    Inside you'll quickly reach a room with Seath the Scaleless himself, however at this point you'll be unable to beat him and will be forced to die, so plan accordingly. After dying you'll appear in a bonfire strained from others in the Archive's dungeon. Push your way through the rest of the area until you go outside and enter the Crystal Cave, a treacherous place with many paths that are invisible and the only way to locate them is to watch the falling crystal shards. Whenever you see one hitting something mid-air it means there is a path there.

    At the end of this area you'll reach Seath again and finally this time around you'll be able to kill him, get his soul and get the trophy.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the Darkmoon God.

    Gwyndolin is one of the optional bosses of the game and can be reached by lowering the spinning tower in Anor Londo and then going down the stairs. You'll reach a room with a bonfire and a big statue ahead, the boss room (and access to the Blade of the Darkmoon covenant) lies behind this statue, however to get past it you'll need to equip a special ring called Darkmoon Seance Ring which can be found inside the Catacombs.

    Follow the video below to reach it, the ring will be located inside the open coffin at the end of the corridor at 1:34 of the video:
    Video credits to TheInfernoCommander in Youtube.

    Once you get in front of said statue, equip the ring and it will vanish. At the end of the corridor you can kneel in the mat on the floor to join the covenant or go through the fog door to face the boss. Be warned though that if you do go through the fog door you won't be able to join the covenant anymore unless you absolve your sins.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

  • Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla, the Lifehunter.

    As you progress through Anor Londo you'll eventually reach a big building that houses a very big painting in one of its inner walls, guarded by a bunch of enemies wearing white robes. This painting is actually the entrance to one of the optional areas of the game, the Painted World Of Ariamis. However, in order to enter the painting and be transported to this secret area you'll need a special item. It is the Peculiar Doll and it is acquired by returning to the very cell you started the game at in the Undead Asylum after you have reached Lordran.

    To reach the Asylum again check the bosses section under the Stray Demon boss, however to only get the doll you don't need to face that boss if you don't want.

    Once you reach the Painted World Of Ariamis, you'll be stuck there until you actually reach the end of the area, where you'll also find the Crossbreed Priscilla boss. Unlike other bosses, though, she doesn't attack you on sight and will only fight you if you attack her first. If you just ran past her you can reach the exit of thea area and return to Anor Londo but you'll not get the trophy for defeating her and her soul, obviously.

    Check the bosses section for more information on them.

How to Get Rid of Hollowing Dark Souls 3
