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How to Fix It So People Can Message You Again on Facebook

Error: User blocked/deleted

If you're utilizing Front's Facebook inbox feature, you may experience an error that reads:

User blocked you or deleted the conversation with you.


That error means that the recipient has closed your chat, or blocked you. It's a Facebook error, and not one that Front can bypass. Here is the error that Facebook provides.

"message": "(#200) This person isn't available right now.",

"type": "OAuthException",

"code": 200,

"error_subcode": 1545041,

"fbtrace_id": "**************"

According to Facebook's developer page, the error message means 'Message Not Sent: This person isn't available right now.' This occurs when a user deletes a conversation.

If you go directly to Facebook, you'll be able to reply to this recipient even if the conversation is deleted. The recipient will receive a request to create a new conversation with you. No error is generated. This is not the case when using a third-party service like Front. When you reply from Front we use the Facebook Front application that is linked to your page, so this error will occur if the recipient closes the chat or blocks you.

Error: User cannot be found

Error may read:

User cannot be found.


That error means that the recipient has closed your chat, or blocked you. It's a Facebook error, and not one that Front can bypass. Here is the error that Facebook provides.

"message": "(#100) No matching user found."

Error: This message cannot be sent outside of the allowed 24-hour window

Error may read :

Failed to send : This message cannot be sent outside of the allowed 24-hour window

Error may also read :

Draft failure: This message cannot be sent outside of the allowed 24-hour window


Since March 4th, 2020, Facebook no longer allows you to reply through a third-party app like Front after 24 hours have expired. You will only be able to reply through Front to messages received in the last 24 hours. If you'd like to learn more about this policy change, you can get more details in this in-depth guide published by Facebook.

Error: Our access to this account was revoked.

Error may appear in channel settings as:


Teams with multiple Facebook pages may see this error due to the way that Facebook provisions page access permissions to apps like Front.  The authentication process starts with a list of all Facebook pages the authenticated account can administrate.  It's necessary to check all the pages that will or have been added to Front as this screen dictates the scope of access Front has for that account.  If you add Page A and later add Page B, but only selectPage B during the authentication process, Front will only have access to Page B going forward.  Access to Page A will be revoked.


  1. Revoke the Front app permissions from the Facebook user account doing the authentication.
    - To do this, you will need to log into Facebook
    - Click the drop-down arrow next to the bell
    - Click into Settings
    - Click into Business Integrations on the left-hand side
    - Click the checkbox next to Front and click "Remove".
  2. Log in to Front in an incognito browser window to avoid any existing sessions.
  3. Add a new or re-authorize an existing Facebook channel in Front.
  4. When the first pop-up window from Facebook appears, make sure thatall pages that are or will be added to Front are selected, not just the one currently getting added/re-authorized.  You'll be prompted to select the specific page at a later point.
  5. On the next window, you should be prompted on which permissions you are granting Front.All of the toggles on this page must be turned on.
  6. The next window should give you the option to select the specific page you're actually adding to Front.

Error: A message attachment could not be sent due to new Facebook privacy rules in Europe. Please include the file as an external link.

When sending a Facebook message with an attachment, error may read:

A message attachment could not be sent due to new Facebook privacy rules in Europe. Please include the file as an external link.


In order to comply with European privacy regulations, Facebook has restricted certain features for the following Messenger users:

  • Europe pages in all chats
  • Pages with admins in Europe in all chats
  • Any chats with people in Europe

The full details of these changes are listed in Facebook's Developer documentation here.


Remove the attachment from that message.  Upload the attachment to a file sharing service and include a sharing link for that file as a text link in the draft you're trying to send.
